Bike of the Month Nov 2010.

Iain Marshall from the z1ownersclub in the UK.

Recently at the stafford show Eddie Lawson confessed to actually racing a Racecrafts

bike back in the day, So i put the question to the members here and it was unanimous,

so here is the first non kz1000r based bike featured here as this months bike of the month.

As you know it made it to the show and it looked great, a bit of colour amongst a sea

of green bikes it was surrounded by, The best bit was getting the Phil Churchett Award

for best bike on the Z1oc stand as voted by the members.

Racecrafters i first saw that name on a fuel tank of a race bike that was in an article about

Performance Works,think it was Motorcyclist July 1980. I remember thinking that's a great looking bike,

might build one like that one day, the sort of (bike) thoughts you got when you were seventeen. 

A good few years later I started the quest to get as much info on the bikes and team as possible,

emailing anyone that I thought might have a story, buying mags with period AMA Superbike pics

(you know, the ones from Japan) and nights trawling the net.

By the end of 07 I was ready to start the project,

first was the frame to get the mods carried out, extra bracing and rear shock mounts moved,

bit of work on the swing arm etc Things stopped after a few months and it was put in the shed.

Then this year I agreed to have the bike finished and on the Z1oc stand at Stafford.

Sometimes you need (I need) a dead line. For the build Fer let me use his workshop,

so every spare minute for the next few months his garage was my second home.

The rolling chassis went together fairly easy, as most of the hard work  had been done.

Somewhere along the line I managed to get the bodywork down to Hutch (only a few hundred

miles down the road) and what a great job he did, thanks Hutch. The engine was put together

with parts from an ex Jim Wells engine Fer had bought years ago, there is a mod needing

done to the crank so I can fit a small alternator, with that and a few other things still to do

I hope to have it on the road for next summer with a trip to the Aultguish Inn on the A835

on the cards, google it and check out the roads in the area.

Iain Marshall.

We will be featuring a different bike each month on
that we feel is deserving of the title "Bike of The Month."

Check back often to see what our pick is.

To nominate or submit your own bike for "Bike of The Month."
Send some info on yourself your bike and loads of pic's bigger the better.


I really want to bring THIS Registry up to date so accurate number's left in circulation can be made available,

this will intern help us get a true market value for insurance purposes.

Please include the chassis number and the month of production printed on the headstock of your bike.

Your name and location. and most importantly a picture's of your bike.

E-mail me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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