Bike of the Month Sept 2010.

by Steve Boatright.

This story starts back in early part of 85 when i was living Jersey, Channel Islands.

At the time i had Suzuki gt 550 ,which was a great bike.

One day after a visit to one of the local motorcycle shops i picked up

that years Kawasaki brochure and took it home.That night, looking

through it i came across the Z1100r in lime green,it was the color and

style of the bike that caught my eye first.

Over the next few weeks i found out how much one would cost ($3,600.00)

Managed to find some who wanted to buy my gt550 and had half the money

in cash and finance the rest, so i went and ordered one , which was one of

the last one's to come into the U.K.

Over the next five years the Z1100r and me had yearly trips to the U.K.

and three visits to 24hr at La Mans in France.

Then in 1990 i decided that i could not live life with out owning a 2.8 FordCapri

(a poor man's mustang)

So Z1100r had to make way for it, So i sold to a workmate for $2,500.

i saw it go off down the road i knew i had a big mistake selling it.

I said to the guy a couple of months later that if ever decided

to sell it to let me know.

In 1992 i brought it back for $3000.00.,I know, no need to say anything about that ,

not one my best deals,at least it was back ,and would not be sold again.

In 1995 moved back to U.K. to run a village pub, so not a lot riding done then.

Then in 2008 we decided we would like to emigrate to America and moved to Franklin N.C.

The bike had to stay in UK for 2 years until it was 25 years old so it could be imported as a classic bike

that cost me $2000.00 to ship it here. It arrived in Charleston SC April 2010.

It took an 11 hour round trip to collect it!!
But now we are both reunited and happily living in the mountains.


As always We will be featuring a different bike each month on
that we feel is deserving of the title "Bike of The Month."

Check back often to see what our pick is.

To nominate or submit your own bike for "Bike of The Month."
Send some info on yourself your bike and loads of pic's bigger the better.


I really want to bring THIS Registry up to date so accurate number's left in circulation can be made available,

this will intern help us get a true market value for insurance purposes.

Please include the chassis number and the month of production printed on the headstock of your bike.

Your name and location. and most importantly a picture's of your bike.

E-mail me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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