Bike of the Month Jan 2009.


Owner: Eric Murphy's (Murph's) KZ1000j from the z1ownersclub in the UK.

Here’s a list of mod's and parts on my bike,

it started life as a J model (round tank us import),

Front end – FZR1000 ex-up front wheel,forks,fender with race spec Bridgestone Tyre,

One off top yoke, ex-up bottom yoke,

One off fork brace with engraving,

One off fairing brackets after market fairing with twin cibies, carbon effect screen,

Super bike bars ex-up switchgear 750 clocks,

Quick action throttle  exup master cylinder & brakes,

ELR tank with aircraft filler tank breather and pingle tap,

Aftermarket mirrors, standard ignition switch,

Frame – Braced and cut to take single sider powder coated,

Mocal oil cooler on one off bracket,

Engine-J bottom end gpz1100 top end 1170 Wiseco big bore ELR cams ape studs,

heavy duty clutch,

Electronic ignition Goodridge hoses,

Mikuni 36 mm flat sides,

One off pipe- Kerker down pipes mated to Vance & Hines ssr2 cut down can,



Back end – VFR750 Honda single sider with Honda brake and torque arm,

and wheel with 180 Tyre,

One off sprocket and carrier,

One off chain guard with heavy duty chain,

One off under tray,

One off rear sets& linkages,

Hydraulic brake light switch,

All body work is standard ELR painted to my spec by a friend with a body shop,

ELR seat and J rail modded to fit,

All one off parts by friend with machine shop and myself,


Hope this will keep you going, although I’ve probably forgotten something!

Hope you don’t mind it being a clone.


No murph we don't mind it being a clone.

there is no snobbery here bro!

The rear end conversion is one ive wanted to do for years,

but the fact its one of the hardest conversions there is has stopped me.

Your bike is Fantastic and you must be very proud of what you have accomplished.

Congratulations on being our first Bike of the month!

i'D like to welcome another kz1000r2 owner to the registry,

Mark Ponsford (Pigford) from the z1ownersclub in the UK.
We will be featuring a different bike each month on
that we feel is deserving of the title "Bike of The Month."
Check back often to see what our pick is.

To nominate or submit your own bike for  "Bike of The Month." 
Send some info on yourself your bike and loads of pic's bigger the better.


I really want to bring THIS Registry up to date so accurate number's left in circulation can be made available,

this will intern help us get a true market value for insurance purposes.

Please include the chassis number and the month of production printed on the headstock of your bike.

Your name and location. and most importantly a picture's of your bike.

E-mail me at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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