Bike of the Month July 2011.

Owner: Kurt Darden AKA Dardoonk, Monroe, North Carolina, USA.

I completed it less than a year ago,

but have been hesitant to submit it until I felt there was no more I could improve.

The bike, originally an 82 GPz1100 with 20K miles on the clock,

was the previously the product of a well intentioned owner who was hopelessly over-matched and underfunded. 

The bike spent the next fifteen years in the same state I found it. 

The bottom end bolted in the frame, every loose nut, bolt, & bracket,

along with the disassembled FI system and the top end had found there way into one of two recycle bins. 

Simply put, I bought a frame and boxes of parts.

Needing to fund another project, I had no intention except to part it out. 

However, after a week of sorting bolts and figuring out what was there,

I realized I had a whole bike.  About this same time,

I found and a photo of an 83 ELR sporting the white “Euro” livery. 


My decision was made.  That bike needed to be in my garage.

My first order of business was to find out if I had a fuel tank worth saving,

so I pried open the frozen cap to exhume the 10+ year old gas swashing around. 

As you can see by the condition of the fuel sending unit, it was not a pretty sight.  

Seventy five bucks and two days at the radiator shop gave it a hot tanking to

remove the rust and and a nice “Red Coat” liner.  

I was on my way!

Weeks of spare time in the garage yielded few results. 

After three months, I had done nothing but clean, remove, & bag parts.

With the entire bike (sans the crankshaft) down to individual pieces,

and a photo of the white ELR taped above my workbench, I began to build my own.

With the exception of an upholster to cover the saddle to my design and

paying for cylinder boring,

all the work on this bike was done myself, in my garage.  

Later though, I did get some assistance from a local painter on subsequent coats of

clear because I did not want to risk my paint work.

While the list of disappointments and frustrations are long during a project like this,

the reward has been stepping back to look at the completed project and knowing it is mine.

  Total buld time was 18 months.

Build Details.
Engine:  1166 Wiseco kit with stock GPz cams and head.
Carbs:        Mikuni BS34 w/ K&N; Pods
Chain:       530 conversion (the GPz output shaft requires an aftermarket sprocket and a shim to be made)
Exhaust: Bassani 4-1 with mid-pipe & Kerker can.
Brakes:   Stock GPz calipers & discs with stainless lines and ZRX1100 master cylinder.
Wheels:  Stock - refurbished to satin polished & trimmed with flat black crinkle paint.
Tires:       Dunlop D404 F-100/90x19 R-120/90x18
Body:     White Pearl - 100% White Nason base coat w/ PPG White Pearl mid-coat & 3 rounds of PPG clear.
Striping, safety & warning stickers sourced from Reporduction Decals
Gustafson reproduction shield (light smoke) & Airtech chin spoiler
Other:     Regulator upgrade to Shindengen FH-010AA & rebuilt wire harness.
Gauge cluster - 93 GSXR1000 & electronic tach (done to save the original GPz cluster with the LED screen) 

There were no modifications done to the bike in adapting this.
New turn signals & mirrors.   All bearings, seals, gaskets, etc... replaced.
Everything on this bike is new or rebuilt.

Kurt Darden,

We will be featuring a different bike each month on
that we feel is deserving of the title "Bike of The Month."

Check back often to see what our pick is.

To nominate or submit your own bike for "Bike of The Month."
Send some info on yourself your bike and loads of pic's bigger the better.


I really want to bring THIS Registry up to date so accurate number's left in circulation can be made available,

this will intern help us get a true market value for insurance purposes.

Please include the chassis number and the month of production printed on the headstock of your bike.

Your name and location. and most importantly a picture's of your bike.

E-mail me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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