Deals Gap Meet Review 2011.

From the left Steve aka k1100r, Jay aka jaydav, Stef aka rouxstep   and David aka bomose .

Located in the foothills of Fontana, North Carolina, and home to Route 129 The Dragon, 

Deal’s Gap is a popular and internationally famous destination for riding and driving

enthusiasts. The 11-mile stretch of highway, just over the border into Tennessee,

features 318 mind-blowing curves.

This year four of the guys Stef, Jay, David and Steve decided to invade 2 stroke week

again! this takes place on the last full week of May 2011. 


Steph's Review: After a 14 hour drive out of 18 at about 10 pm on Sunday, the radiator on

the truck blew up.

Luckily we had the Interstate going downwards with an exit.

At exit, a gas bar was open, got to put water in the radiator and did about a ¼ of a mile

to the hotel so we can catch some sleep.

Next morning a GM dealer was located in front of the motel.

By 1pm we were back on the road.

At arrival, we immediately concentrated on going for a run on the Tail of the Dragon

I immediately got attracted to this piece of road. It’s a real magnet.

During the week, I did the Tail, before breakfast, after breakfast, during the day,

evening and night!

And all those runs were accompanied by loops in the Great Smoky Mountain.

Loops are the Cherohala Skyway (we did it about 6 times) the Moonshiner

28 – Blue Ridge Parkway and so on.


Jay and I totaled approximately 1200 miles in 5 days.

All motorcycles have given all what they have and ran flawlessly and danger has been kept to its minimum.

Of course, one of the main interests during this week was to meet other members of Website.


The meet has happened as planed, Friday at 1100hrs at Deals Gap Resort.

Stef aka rouxstep Jay aka jaydav came down together and David aka bomose was accompanied by Steve Boatwright aka uk1100r.

This is one of the biggest meet of Member's.

Mother nature had let go of its rain  

during the night and let us with some sun and cloudy skys  .

Went for a traditional picture shoot with the Deals Gap Resort in background and zoomed

in the Tail of the Dragon and tempted to do our best to flash by the professional photographers.

Photographs by Killboy and 129 Slayer.

We then stopped at the Tails overlook and parked all four ELRs in a nice layout.

All this pulls immediate attention among the crowed and sparks nice conversations.

Some young blood was very proud to put his Kawasaki 

Ninja 600 by our old school muscle bikes.

I wonder if in 28 years he'll still have this bike and go for ride's with other ninja friends?

Davids review: David came up Thursday to a friend's in Longcreek, SC.

He was supposed to come, too on his '81 clone.

He hasn't ridden it in a while and the carbs were gunked up so he was going to ride one of my bikes.

We got up Friday morning and it was raining.

David called Steve and he was reluctant to go with wet streets.

David's friend decided not to go on wet roads not knowing my bike.

It stopped raining , so David called Steve.

He and David met in Franklin, NC and started up Hwy 28.

The roads were wet and it rained a little but quit before we got to Deals Gap.

David Steve Jay and Stef met, got a bite, and took some pics.

Then we headed out through the Gap into Tennessee.

We took a few backroads over to Tellico Plains.

On the way we passed some voluteer firemen collecting donations.

I always try to give because they help so many of us bikers in that area.

There we gassed up and had a burger at local place( I forget the name),

but it was $9 for the burger and fries.

Guess we should have gone to Hardees.

We rode over Cherohala Parkway, which is a perfect motorcycle road with flowing curves

and fantastic scenery, on to Robbinsville, NC.

Steve had left his tailpack back at the room, so we rode with Jay and Steph back there.

I took Steve back another way to Franklin past Lake Nantahala over Wayeh Bald

(that's what they call the hills around there).

There are some 180 degree switchbacks coming off the hill which are fun and somewhat

scary if you've never been on them.

I left Steve at Franklin about 3 hours later than he had told his wife he would be back.

I guess that means we both had a good time. I headed back to Long Creek glad I had

made the trip to meet everyone.

The only way it could have been better is if I had gone all week to ride with Steph and Jay

and more of us had been there.

Bomose is very familiar with this region and cooked up a nice loop and it was a great ride.

We ended this to the resort for the commemorative beer and relax.

Then by 6:30 pm Steve and David hit the road back home.

Again, this is another great moment this board has provided.

Stef aka rouxstep Jay aka jaydav came down together and Steve Boatwright aka uk1100r was accompanied by David aka bomose.

This was a great meet of four fellows from Canada, North US, South US, and from UK,

all with our gray hair and with our bikes that date back to the beginning of the 80s and

being able to get out on a good ride with them was a blessing and a privileged moment.
I hope we can repeat this.

If your not already a member of our forum why not?, your missing out on these meetings which seem to be getting bigger and bigger each year, so join up and come ride with us!


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